Short history about wedding bouquet


Weddings can be very interesting, especially if the newlyweds respect all customs. I'm sure that by now you all had the opportunity to be at different weddings and see some familiar customs, but also some of which you may not even know. Every part of our country has some of its specific customs. I will list only some of them: put garlic on a white garment, wear white, do not let the pearls be put on because they don't bring happiness to marriage, shooting in the apple, spreading the grain, they wear something blue, something borrowed, something old, something new ...
However, one of the most popular and favorite customs is certainly the throwing of a wedding bouquet. This custom has been received on almost all meridians, so even Serbia is no exception. Great attention is paid to the selection of this flower bouquet, and to many ladies, this is a favorite custom. Others will not be pushed with other unmarried girls for a living head to try to capture him. There is also a scene from "Sex and the City" when Keri Bradshaw wedding bouquet hits the head while she just goes away.
In medieval England, wedding dresses were not as expensive as now, and it was not expected that they could have multiple uses. It was also considered that the wedding dress brings happiness to unmarried girls, so the unmarried little ones would mend the young woman, or her dress so that they would marry too soon.
However, soon the wedding dresses became more expensive, so the girls wanted to preserve it for their daughter or as memorabilia, and they had to prevent the guests from tearing off their dress (just as their new-born fathers rubbed their shirts). That's why they started throwing other objects like a distraction - first, it was a garter.
Then it turned out that the gowns are not the most practical object, because sometimes impatient girls were rushing to take him away from the bride while he was still on it. Because of this, the garter was replaced with wedding bouquets - the young woman could not have kept the bouquet for a long time since the flowers were veins, and the symbolism was beautiful because the flowers meant fertility in almost all cultures.
On the BMbridal website, you can buy beautiful wedding bouquets.

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